Monday, November 15, 2010

A New Life...Introduction

This blog will be a 10,000 mile journey, not only to visit some great kids and friends over at the One Life Children's home in Tunai, India...but to gain insight on who I am and what is the God given purpose in life that I'm destined to follow.

Wow...if that first line isn't enough to lull you to mediocrity I don't know what is! The real function of this will be journal my travels and share some of the experiences we have as our travels 1/2 way around the world during the busiest consumer driven spending spree - Christmas!

My family includes my wonderful wife Sandy, whom I've been fortunate enough to have been married for 26 and counting years. Two daughters, Sara - a recent KU graduate and Christie - a Mill Valley HS senior. You couldn't ask for a better family...yes we all have issues but what family doesn't? In the end, I feel more than lucky.

Well that's it for the first post. There will be some dry wit, meandering thoughts, biblical references, and sharing of some pretty cool things. Sound interesting??? I hope you join us!

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