Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's starting WAY too early...about 4 days and counting.

For those of you who have ever traveled with me know my one, of many quirks, is my inability to sleep when I travel. I'm one of those odd-ducks that can work all day and then still throw my suitcase in the car and drive 9 hours through the night to arrive at my destination early in the morning instead of late that next afternoon after the proverbial "good nights rest". Why waste my time in bed tossing and turning the night before travels when you can just as easily drive through the night and just get there.

It has been this way...sleeplessness ever since I can remember traveling. When my work had taken me on business trips for sometimes up to 35 weeks of the year it was even worse! There are memories of trips my buddy John and I had taken to no-name cities were we literally would work through the night...sometimes two nights just to get projects done. All this without sleep because there was so much to think about and do.

Not that I have insomnia, for when I do sleep it's usually a deep one like an old hunting dog after working the fields all day. No, the problem is lying in bed thinking about the trip and things that I want to do. I need a completely dark and quiet room to sleep in...I can almost hear the digital clock changing numbers as the minutes click past. To ensure total darkness I often block the alarm clock with a book so that I can't even see the dim glow into the night; but alas this still hasn't been helping much lately. My internal clock that usually gets me up without fail by 5:15am has been running a bit fast...3:30-4:00am seem to be the norm for me.

The last few nights have been tough, thinking about the trip to India - the kids much to see and do; all the people and places. It's not like I have any input over the itinerary; I can't just hop a 747 and get the pilot to fly me to Chennai, there ARE others on this trip Chris...relax! Easier said than done folks.

There isn't a problem that I'm worried about the trip but rather I want to make the most out of my time there. I don't want to waste the little time there with least a nights worth! Maybe I should just take 20 minute power naps... Well that's about it for now. Two weeks until Santa is here, I wonder how they celebrate in India?

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